Hyggehaus Blog — motherhood RSS

Journey to Motherhood

From the time that I was a little girl my only desire was to be a mother. A lot of women dream of becoming famous, rich, or having successful careers but I dreamed that I would be a mom.  When becoming a mother didn’t come easy, I was faced with a lot of heartache. Knowing that all my heart desired was to raise children I felt so defeated. I would dread every Mother’s Day at church. Then one Mother’s Day a little lady approached me and told me that when they announced for the mothers to stand up for me to stand as well. She proceeded to tell me I was a mother even if I didn’t have children of...

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Finding Peace in Motherhood by Practicing Self-Care

I recently read a quote that made so much sense, “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first!” Not meaning to, I sometimes place self-care at the bottom of my list and don’t take the time for it. Motherhood is such a blessing for me, and I am so incredibly honored to have been chosen to have two of the sweetest little boys. While it is a reward it can also be tiring and I often find myself empty because I have poured everything out for others.  One thing that quarantine showed me was that I desperately needed to start doing things for myself. I realized I didn’t need to pour everything I had out for...

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