As we approach our first ever quarantine Easter holiday I can’t help but be sad that most of our regular traditions we will not be able to do. We will not get to go to our church Easter service, sit around a table with family for our traditional Easter ham, or attend any big egg hunts. This year my oldest has even asked to go see the Easter bunny at the mall. He has never asked until this year and unfortunately we will not get to take him. Despite all of the traditions we will be missing out on I am determined to make this one of the most memorable Easters ever for my kids.
We will start the night before Easter by planting jelly beans in the yard. After my babies go to bed we will place blow pop suckers where the jelly beans have been planted. In the morning when they wake up they will each have a basket from the Easter bunny with fun treats because you know the Easter bunny can’t catch Covid-19! ;) For breakfast we will start a new tradition of having a themed Easter breakfast. Usually Easter morning is crazy in my house with everyone getting into their dress clothes and out the door for church. Having a Zoom pancake decorating competition with their cousins and grandparents this year will be a fun treat to start the day off!
In our family our faith is very important to us so we will still get all dressed up and attend Easter service. Of course this year it will look a lot different with it being in our living room watching the Pastor of our church do a Facebook live. We will even sit our phone on a timer and take a family photo together, it just won’t have the church’s beautiful white cross in the background.
After service we will prepare a delicious Easter dinner. It may not have Nannie’s chocolate pie, but it will still be delicious. I will improvise and throw some decorations together to give it an extra touch. We will then sit around the table as a family while eating and reflecting on what this holiday means to us.
Even though the kids won’t get to go to any big Easter egg hunts with friends or extended family, we will hide eggs all through our house and backyard. We will let them find them and then when they are done if they desire to we will hide them again!
I know this Easter will be different. I know it will not be the same without our family traditions, but I am determined to give my family a sense of normality during this pandemic. I am determined to still make Easter memories, and I am determined to see their little faces light up with joy just like every other Easter!
How do you plan to celebrate Easter this year? Let us know by using the #HYGGEHAUSLIFE on instagram and facebook.
Hyggehaus Rustic Storage Organizer (perfect for storing little eggs!)