Fun for all the Family - our New Years Resolution

The New Year is now in full force and I am so excited to see what this year brings. At the beginning of each new year I, along with probably most of the world’s population, choose a New Year’s resolution that I want to see happen in my life in the new year. I myself am hoping to be active as a family in 2020. 

family, hyggehaus life, hygge, love

Recently I was reading The Little Book of Hygge and I read something that really made me stop to think. “We live in the age of Netflix, Candy Crush, and an endless supply of electronic entertainment. We hang out with technology instead of with each other.” Wow, how true is that? It made me think about how often technology distracts me from my family. While technology is not a bad thing, if moderation is not used it can become unhealthy. So this year my family and I are going to be coming out from behind the screens. We will be intentional on spending time together outdoors and being active. 

family walk, family, outdoor life, walk in the woods, fresh air

When I was growing up my whole family would gather at the lake. There was not good cell phone signal, there wasn’t any wifi, and not even cable television. Instead we entertained each other. We laughed, we told stories, and made memories. Sometimes words were not even spoken and everyone just stared at the peaceful lake. That is what I want for my children. 

family fishing, father and son, peaceful, taking time out, technology free

So this year we are planning lots of family time. We are making sure to go to that same lake as much as we possibly can. We are going to take our children fishing, kayaking, and plan to make so many memories. 

family fun, fishing goals, family time, caught a fish

We will go on hikes and breathe in the fresh air as we enjoy each other’s company. 

family walk, top of the mountain, making memories

We will go camping and sit around a fire where we will roast marshmallows and hot dogs and laugh until we cry. 

camping, family time, smores, campfire, fun with friends
Family and friends will be welcomed over where we will play croquet and other fun games in the backyard. Our kids will engage with them and listen to their stories and compete against each other as they try to win. 

garden games, family time, making memories, holiday fun, vacation, giant jenga

This year’s resolution will be sticking and not be broken. I can not wait to see all of the memories my little family and I create while we are being intentional on being active as a family together this year. 

Have you made a New Year’s resolution or goal for 2020? We would love to hear what it is! Tag us using #hyggehauslife