Every Sunday my phone shows a screen time review of how much I used it in the previous week. When I see the amount of time that I spend on my phone, it always brings such conviction. We live in a fast paced world where everyone is always in a hurry and usually has a screen they are looking at. Technology isn’t a bad thing and in fact it is needed, but too much technology can take our attention away from what truly matters and that is precious time spent with our family.

Joshua Becker once said, “Minimalism isn’t about removing the things you love. It’s about removing the things that distract you from the things you love.” The biggest distraction for my family is screens. I am now from here on out going to make it a point to have at least one night a week where we disconnect from all electronics. We will put our remotes, tablets, laptops, and phones away and we will spend time together as a family without a screen in front of our faces. We will also set a time where each night past a certain time we will not be on any type of screen.
Since Halloween is coming up, we will spend our first screen free night doing some fun Halloween themed crafts. This cute pumpkin craft is made using an apple that is cut in half and some orange and green paint. Such a fun and inexpensive craft to do that you can keep for years!
My family loves games. When my husband and I first married we would host game nights quite often in our home for family and friends. Sadly, over the years it went away because everyone became busy. Bringing game night back for our family will be such a great tradition that we can start.

While being with our family is top priority, sometimes we need to also focus on our own mental health. Taking a break and reading a good book is a perfect way to do that. One thing that I love to do is to sit on my porch with a throw blanket and read. It allows me to get recharged and refocused. This also sets a good example for your kids and truly encourages them to develop a love for reading as well.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is making sure you spend time being “present” with your family. It’s making sure you spend time getting cozy with your little ones while reading them a bedtime story. It’s making sure that you are being intentional in your marriage and showing your spouse that you are making time for them. You can never go wrong by choosing to spend time with your family and disconnecting from technology for a few hours.

How do you like to spend your screen free nights with your family? We would love to hear! Tag us using #hyggehauslife
Counting down the days to Halloween? Make your own DIY Halloween advent using our Hyggehaus DIY wooden advent calendar!