I once read that hygge is more than a word, it is a feeling. It is the concept of happiness. This Easter I am making it a mission to add hygge to my family’s Easter holiday. Now that things are slowly feeling a bit back to normal and we can once again enjoy being together I want to make every minute count!
To start our Easter activities we have decided to make an Easter advent. We have filled the Hyggehaus Storage Organizer with treats and trinkets to make the season more fun and last a little longer. This could also be used to tell the story of Easter over several days.

Decorating for Easter is another fun activity. Getting the kids involved to help paint some little crafts to display makes it even more special. These crafts can be put away after the holiday is over and reused each year. I always get so sentimental when I pull my kids crafts out that they have made over the years.
Now that we can be together with family and friends we will be hosting a big Easter dinner since we missed out last year. My favorite hygge Easter activity is cooking together. Letting my boys help with baking all the treats, helping my grandmother cook her famous ham, and all of us being together in the kitchen brings such a calmness to my heart. Even in the chaos and mess. Easter rice krispy treats are at the top of my boy’s list this year to make and they look amazing! Here is the recipe!

It wouldn’t be Easter without our traditional Easter egg hunt! The night before the big hunt all of the kids always dye and decorate eggs so the Easter bunny can hide them that night. It is always so much fun to watch the kids hunt for their eggs and get so excited when they find their prizes inside of them.

How do you plan to celebrate this Easter holiday? Do you have some favorite traditions that you and your family do each year? Let us know by using #hyggehauslife