5 Ways to Hygge this Spring

Spring is arriving this week all while a global pandemic is striking. One thing that this horrible Coronovirus has done is made us all slow down. It’s made us stop and appreciate the beautiful weather we are now having. It has made us take notice of how the flowers are beginning to bloom and how the trees are once again becoming green. “Hygge is slow and humble” and if there is one thing that this pandemic has brought us to is slow and humble. So while so many bad things have happened, good things are coming and one of those things is Spring. 

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Here are some ways that you can hygge this Spring. 

  • Deep cleaning and decluttering
  • A clean and decluttered home always brightens my mood. It helps me stay more organized and helps me to stay in behind my daily tasks. A great way to live hygge is by minimizing the things in your home to make it more cozy.  Also, how about making natural cleaning products out of white vinegar a baking soda and lemon making cleaning an activity the kids can safely get involved with. 

    spring cleaning, natural cleaning, lemon, fresh home, hyggehaus, hygge, home, fresh, lemon and lime

  • Light fresh scented candles
  • Light spring scented candles or a small tea light candle in your home. There are so many wonderful fresh scented candles that will help bring Spring inside your home. My favorite scent is fresh linen which helps to make a home smell so clean. 

    candles, spring cleaning, happy home, comfort in quarantine, self isolation, how to feel happy

  • Let natural light in
  • Pull back the curtains and open a window to let the natural light in along with a fresh breeze. Doing this first thing in the morning on a beautiful Spring day always brightens my mood. 

  • Go on a walk
  • Gather the kids up together and set out for a walk. This will allow you to have some bonding time along with getting in some exercise. It’s free, it’s entertaining, and you are spending quality time with your little ones all at once. 

    family walk, social distancing, outdoor activities, fresh air, coronavirus social distancing

  • Pick fresh flowers 
  • One of my favorite things to do in the Spring is to let my son pick fresh flowers. This always brightens up our house, brings in a nice fresh scent, and it makes his day that he has given me a gift. 


    fresh flowers, quarantine survival, nature, tulips, garden

    Jessica Harrelson once said, “Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.” While our entire world has been hit with the unknown in the past few weeks, we can look outside and see that new life is arriving. In that we can take in hope that everything will be ok and enjoy a hygge Spring. 

    Stay safe everyone
